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Here at North Baddesley Infant School and Nursery we nurture our children to be the best they can be, encouraging them to be resilient, independent and respectful.  We believe in lifelong learning, regularly showing our children that we are all learners and believe that learning changes lives.  We develop curiosity by asking big questions about the world around us and give high quality feedback to help our children with their next challenge.

Visiting our School and Nursery

If you are interested in your child joining our School or Nursery, we would welcome families to book a visit on any of the following dates:

Nursery Visits:

Tuesday 21st January at 9:30am

Tuesday 4th February at 9:30am

Tuesday 11th March at 9:30am

School Visits:

Friday 24th January at 9:30am 

Monday 10th February at 9:30am 

Tuesday 25th March at 9:30am

For further information and to book a visit, please contact the School Office on 02380 412412 or email

We look forward to meeting you!